Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hi. It is almost OFFICALLY summer! YEAH! And Maxy (my very cute and adorable baby brother) is going to turn one tomorrow! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED! He gives lots of loves by biting people. He bit me so hard the other day there still is a mark with tiny teeth on my face. It really hurt but I still love him. The Cuties of the Block hung out today and we ate these really really good hotdogs. We also ate lots of popsicles and are waiting for Cicily's neighbors (she said they are cute) to come home....
~ makenna <3
WOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! It's almost the 4th of July and so I'm like REALLY SuperDuper excited and hyper and stuff. And also guess what? Me and Kenna MABEY able to do GLITTER TOES!!!!! I was soooooo bored that I started watching Fred and you should watch this 4th of July vidoe, it's totally, freakin' amazing!!!!

Fred!!!! :)

~ Cicily

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Can Ya feel the Love?

Well today is February 1st! In 13 days is Valentines Day! <3
See ya soon!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Yo people what up? Today is New Year's! Yay! It's 2009! What are your new year's resolutions? Huh? Why don't you comment below and tell us! Hope you have a totally AWESOME year! And when I capitalize "awesome" I mean COMPLETELY WONDERFULLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
-Makenna :P

P.S. I hope I can bungee jump off a cliff.... well, after I get medical insurance.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Who's team?

For all of you Twilight fans I just have one question. Who's team are you on? It is either Team Jacob or Team Edward. Comment and tell us who's team your on. See ya!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween is full of craziness!!!!

Ok, so Halloween is in 5 days and some of you may not have a costume so here are 6 classic ideas and 6 other ideas.


1. Vampiress

2. Mummy

3. Goblin

4. Vampire

5. Pumpkin

6. Witch


1. Robot

2. Cleopatera

3. Super Hero (any)

4. Skeleton

5. Princess

6. Pop Star

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Green or Yellow?

Do you ever wonder what color Crayola's green/yellow really is? It looks like this (green):

And writes like this (yellow. It says Hi!):

So what color do you think this crayon really is? Tell us what you think. --Makenna :P